Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Monday

Ughhh ;(

i hate monday's sometimes..
on the bright sidee i did finally get to filling out my application for APU (Azusa Pacific University) andd now i just need to get my transcript and things like that.. HOPEFULLY it works outtt ekkk.......

but anyways

**Schedule for this week**
Monday - Class at 4:40; send my Xbox 360
Tueday - NO class but work at 8:30-8:45 ishh
Wednesday - Class at 4:40 butt going to APU's Transfer thing instead anyone wanna go with me?
Thursday - Work 8:30-8:45 ishh.. thats basically IT (maybe see my counselor actuallyy YES i do need to)
Friday - Work 8:30-8:45 ishh.. and attend Young Adults Bible Study (if we have one) its definitely been a LONG TIME
Saturday - IDK i wish it was Earl's Show again that WAS awesome GO ADVERSUS :))
Sunday - Church; then hang out with the guys maybee.. depends on if Angel wants to go to my sister's church againn! :) yupppp

thats my schedulee if you need to get a hold of me

AIM - bcominundone
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