Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Monday

Here i am again at workkk. ughh..

its just boring cuz sometimes there ISN'T anything to do.. its just been slow lately..
but on a happy note

been able to focus more on God and understand more things about Him that i actually didn't know...

but anywayss

i had a like small date on saturday..
which was cool and "interesting"
idk whats gonna happen with me and her but well see as of right now its actually not going TOO well haa but ehh i dont think she's the one to be honest AH HA!


soo yeahhh anyways gotta start focusing more on God then SCHOOL cuz lately i've been slacking and i need to get back on TRACK!!

soo here i goo with a


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Psalm 103

"10 He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities."

amen to THAT!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Monday

Ughhh ;(

i hate monday's sometimes..
on the bright sidee i did finally get to filling out my application for APU (Azusa Pacific University) andd now i just need to get my transcript and things like that.. HOPEFULLY it works outtt ekkk.......

but anyways

**Schedule for this week**
Monday - Class at 4:40; send my Xbox 360
Tueday - NO class but work at 8:30-8:45 ishh
Wednesday - Class at 4:40 butt going to APU's Transfer thing instead anyone wanna go with me?
Thursday - Work 8:30-8:45 ishh.. thats basically IT (maybe see my counselor actuallyy YES i do need to)
Friday - Work 8:30-8:45 ishh.. and attend Young Adults Bible Study (if we have one) its definitely been a LONG TIME
Saturday - IDK i wish it was Earl's Show again that WAS awesome GO ADVERSUS :))
Sunday - Church; then hang out with the guys maybee.. depends on if Angel wants to go to my sister's church againn! :) yupppp

thats my schedulee if you need to get a hold of me

AIM - bcominundone
myspace -
facebook -

Saturday, March 28, 2009


*toddayy is the DAY*


whoever wants to come out tonight..!!!!

Cobalt Cafe!
My friends band is playing and its gonna be FREAKIN AWESOME :)

*Day 3 without an XBOX 360*

Friday, March 27, 2009


alright sooo DAY 2 of no xbox 360

it hasn't been AS horrible i've actually felt pretty accomplished..

*cleaned my car*
*cleaned my closet*
*cleaned my room*
*found a new "ventilated" spot for my xbox 360*
*made love in this club .. not really..*
*finished homework*

soo its not AS horriblee

but there is a interesting thing i found out...

its crazyy that i can't post it here HAA! soo if you want to know

AIM = bcominundone

or Myspace =

Thursday, March 26, 2009


sooooo this day has been pretty retarded actually lets recap with yesterday

i got my game

"Guitar HERO: World Tour"


butttt thenn at exactly



my xbox frozeee
thinking it was a normal thing i restarted and then it froze again this time on this!!! STUPID THING (i can't even get into the dashboard)

and soo once again i need to send it in. i can't even REALLY do anything cuz freakingg it wont even go INTO the dashboard and if luckily it does it freezes while im in there ANYWAYS soo ugghhh

1 MONTH without xbox



Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Alrightt soo i got paid today
(can i get a w00t?...alright)

8:45 (late) - 1:30 Work
2:00 - 2:45 ish Walking
3:00 - 4:00 Getting ready for school & CRAMMING HOMEWORK!!! :)
4:40 - 7:00 School /; text mee im sufferingg
7:15 - Whenever Earl's house

you know what??
wish i had a camera like josh and the other b-owners
i'd love to take pictures of my day it makes my blog more interesting